I have designed websites and applications as a hobby since 1999, my first formal project I did in 2002 when I studied my degree and since then I've gone to a warehouse development which has led me different and divergent paths and that I can consider myself knowledgeable about the necessities of the Internet, although I am not professional in the field, fluent in several languages and tools for the development of such elements. Anyway, in this little post 'll tell you, dear readers, a few adventures over the last few years and the reason why I think Adobe Flash is dead, and because is the past. CHT
The problem came in when the user who directed the project would simply could not have a rewarding experience, and in some cases "simply would not." Then under the same contract signed months ago, from January to December 2003 gave her support to the three encyclopedias. The client in question led me anything silly problems mails from users directly to me, in the first week I received nearly 100 correos, ranging from "I see nothing" to "go to hell fucking bastard", clear, users had paid for access to the encyclopedia and had trouble using it, and over which we have just complained to n. And worse, they had sold licenses for use in more places than I knew.
At first I thought: "They are a bunch of losers who live in the past century", but there were so many fools in the world?. I spent 24 hours trying to find the problem, it is noteworthy that during December 2002, a couple of months before marketing, gave several versionsRelease-candidate
(beta version I tried it ad nauseum) to friends and familiar environment and no one reported anything serious, maybe a broken link or downloading slowdown animations, do not forget that at the time the modem connections were the standard 56 kbps. And the mystery continued for that long night I spent in full to locate the fault. The next day I contacted a random person Querétaro and asked "what?", To which he replied, "just do not see anything, I go to the site and noI see nothing, I can enter the information "in general neither he nor the following four users via instant messaging questioned gave me useful answers. Then I took some money and went to the café more fucked up I found my way, I rented an average PC, I checked the direction and presto, I found the problem: "Your browser does not support Flash, please download the plug-in from the manufacturer's website and try again. " Of course, if you want to view and interact with Flash content you need to download the programma that lets you view it in a web browser, the plug-in famous .
Then, and to end soon, I sent emails to respond to all that I had difficulties, some 60 e-mail, explaining the procedure to download and install the plug-inFlash, and everything was the normal course of things, during the following months I received a few emails with problems on something other than Flash. That was the last time you use Flash, since I have not touch the program, now owned by Adobe, for formal projects (despite having acquired a suite latest mid-decade) , s & amp; oacute; what I refer to use for educational purposes. Why? simple, because it goes with my idea of web development and for that bad experience.
But whose fault was it?. "Mine?, Of course, assume that all users know that it was Flash and have the latest version of both the browser and the plug-innot take into account that these people common, they do not care "why" of things, but what the technology does for them. Do you blame them? In part, because he was not aware of some small details like these so-called plug-in that make the magic happen.But ultimately, much of the problem also lies in the concept of having to install a separate browser program to display some content on the web. Unnatural. Can you imagine buying a new car and having to take painting out of the dealership because it lacks the finish? Wikipedia defines
Flash as an application of creacióny vector manipulation and management of code in the form of animation studio that works on "frames" and aims to production ny interactive content delivery to different audiences around the world regardless of platform. D Videosand YouTube are under the platform, and I dare to point out that 75% of current entertainment network run the same. Such is the impact that Microsoft developed its own version, called Silverlight, which as expected, it's a closed platform and deprivation. Then Miguel de Icaza and his Mono project developed a free alternative called Moonlight Silverlight that runs on GNU / Linux and sponsored by Novell. However, you must download a program that allows your Internet browser program running that information.We moved in mid-2007, Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO Inc. presents a revolutionary approach & am telefonp; iacute; to Mobile: iPhone, assuming internet access through EDGE networks at a decent speed, and after 12 months was the iPhone 3G using faster networks, the we put to a device that allowed internet browsing and from a computer, but one of the main criticisms of the device is not run Flash, "defect" that he inherited from his brothers and iPod Touch iPad. This event sparked a fierce battle between Apple and Adobe, each defending its position. The creators of the iPhone operating system and claimed that Flash made the device claimed many processor resources and RAM in addition to consuming the already poor (that's 3G) battery. And then aparecienron terminals with Android, Google's operating system for mobile, shouting "we do run Flash", even Motorola was up to this battle by saying "my Droid if you run Flash and the iPhone" ;. All this has ended up in the brand new Apple laptop, the MacBook Air does not bring Flash preinstalled, placing more flavor to the race.
Well, then, brings us to two ideas, Flash is unnatural for the average user of the Internet and have their details t & amp; eacute; technicians on certain platforms, namely: is limited and has its days numbered. Although not considered that what I write here is the absolute truth, it is my humble opinion, and if you think otherwise, is within their rights.
But there is no option for developers? Of course, many more than Adobe Flash can give. I return briefly to quote Wikipedia:
HTML 5 ( H Yper T ext M Arkupe L anguage Version 5) is the fifth major revision of basic language World Wide Web, HTML. HTML 5 specifies two variants of sintaxis HTML: a "classic" HTML ( text / html ), the strain known as HTML5
and a variant known as XHTML syntax XHTML5 which must be served as XML (XHTML) (application / xhtml + xml). This is the first time that HTML and XHTML have been developed in parallel. Includes labels (2D and 3D canvas, audio, video) codecs to display multimedia content. Even its developers say that HTML5 is a cornerstone of the open web platform of the W3C, is designed to support innovation, promote the full potential of the web can offer. This HTML5 identity system provides the visual vocabulary to classify and report f & amp; aacute; easily our collective efforts. What the user will probably have a better Web experience, definitely. Even Google and Microsoft appear to target their development towards HTML5 batteries, Apple has already done indirectly.
- not need plug-ins , runs natively on browsers. Therefore all should see the first without having to download something from a manufacturer's page. is fully functional, it keeps the user experiencecommonly a surfer will never notice the difference. As it is flexible, adapts to all platforms, including mobile and tablets.
- not particularly affects the hardware in your computer.
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