Monday, September 8, 2008

South Park Fishsticks En Streaming Last Friends

Awwwww \u0026lt;3 what a beautiful drama: D mega dramatic LOL but nice: D? I really liked, it shows as if they can have real and lasting friendships and probably forever) seemed to me a little nostalgic, really making me wonder if those currently conosco Esar friends there for me for life, is emotionally as if you married them:) I really liked! I think if you cry in this drama was not so beautiful it was, if not for the great nostalgia that made me feel and imagine in a couple of years:) with my current friends, new friends, the most frequent attempts possible, everyone will have work, families, etc: (awww growth is overwhelming: S

Let's see ... the goddamn story goes something like this LOL we have two school friends not seen for a shitload of time (: one day happen to meet, have an orgasm of emotion , talk a while and are happy * 0 * one of them is called Michiru and has a boyfriend who treats her like kicker rag and the other is Ruka, a lesbian biker not yet out of the closet: D Michiru is abused by her boyfriend Sosuke (but here we call Sexy-Ryo-kicker, rite?: 3) and one day realizes Ruka: O Michiru tries to persuade her to let Ryo-Sexy-kicker, but Michiru that she loves him so much This clinging to her sexy, but rapper boyfriend, going to change a day) until thatday comes ... and yes, Sexy-Ryo-kicker change ... BUT TO A SEXY-RYO-PICKGUARD maaaaaan PICKGUARD! D: ASU mother boxer turned into the bastard> __> that the poor Michiru sent to hospital nearly DD: Michiru's when you realize that you can not spend more time with him and decides to live with Ruka and his friends in a shared house (:

Awww but I love what the story is that apache is pure love, LOVE THE GOOD: D or at least had by Michiru Sexy-Ryo-kicker was good) to the end we realize that Sexy-Ryo-striker also felt love for Michiru, bonenot only loved her like a boxing bag, but I think he was unsure, heartless and Michiru wanted to retain as much as I could to not lose it, but there are ways to shapes, and forms of Sexy -Ryo-striker did not work: S It is clear that both the human eye can Persiva few things that the eye of the woman: Or maybe it's the sixth sense of man xDDD Sexy-Ryo-kicker from the beginning realized that Ruka was not a normal girl: O hahaha maybe for men it is easy to identify lesbians and for us it is easy to identify fucking = P

Then there Takeru, Eri and Ogura = P all proved excellent personajes: D the only character I had seen of Mizukawa Asami had been the Nodame Cantabile pss XD and I like to see doing another character so different from Nodame: 3 all disheveled, facades, drunk, gay , partying, noviera hahaha in the end, the love XD omgg no doubt if I had my relationship with Germamado, I wish I could be like her: D and bone omgggg is so clear that if not left with Juri Ueno Hiroshi Tamaki, then it must be Eita! DDD: because there are so many dramas and movies where they have to go out together, where they share feelings of love * 0 * omggg are clues that the public is to be cuentaaaa XDDDDD * dreaming *

never quite understand what's sister Takeru did to this ... perhaps she touched her private parts or what?! D: I say that in this flahsback LOLOL pss omgg you hagarro the buttock with a lust that I even remembered my buttock grabbing a German chick fucking pederast LOLOLOL: S generally Takeru's character I like (: and I've seen several characters and this sounded very artistic as well as that of Nodame, but art in another way: 3 I would certainly like looooong! xDD before I did not like Eita: O but I've had enough affection with the years! \u0026lt;3 now when I see a movie or drama to watch, surely I have another reason to watch themor XDDD

Ueno Juri's character does not stop to amaze me: S the first time I saw her was as Nodame and so I stick with the vision of Nodame and my forgetfulness full she is an actress and that in the future would do more roles D: maybe did not want to see this drama at first because I knew the character he played here juri was so different from Nodame I was afraid to lose that vision I had about it, and know what happened: THAT VISION IS LOST! But I think I improve a vision of "Ueno Juri as Nodame" to a "Ueno Juri, a large multi-faceted actress." Actually let me con such good taste (: no doubt I will keep it maaas dramas! Why do I feel, that like Eita, I still like his other characters: D Actually I imagined Juri anything but a lesbian D: It was a great shock to me. And do not think I have anything against lesbians, [info] sakurita insurance still believe that hatred of lesbians (LESBIAN IF FOR ONE NINA INSULT, BECAUSE THE INSULTS THEM D: * VOMITS BODIES *), but absolutely not so u_u remember, SAKUCITA IS OPEN-MIND: D sooo, lesbians come to me but seriously 8DDDD DD: I imagined all the actresses world of lesbians in The L Word world, but never me Juri Ueno hubLOLOL iera thought was why me pretty xDD shockeo (Ni with Rainie Yang in this movie to a lesbian DD: Bone or her * devastation *).

I like the maturity of the characters, especially the Ruka, she trying to take its "nature" for a course in which she believed the right to not be afraid accepted as is, but as Eiri said, will always Ruka Ruka (: and that is what I also think about the people. The truth I am well pleased with this drama, dramas almost always see that they are more attached the school romances, school problems and that: S I had timesaw a drama not so mature and they really were mature (: with some events so real and so well acted: D I think my favorite scenes, is when Takeru Ruka hugs before she moves and are seen by Michiru D: omggg omgg that scene as I arrived I felt T__T mega nice: D and the truth for a moment I thought "Ruka sele omgg to be removed as a lesbian: O" but there is no doubt that as you are born and die = P did not change anything LOL but in the end I liked that crush on Michiru persists (: say, from the beginning that was the essence of the relationship of these two.

NowMichiru is pregnant ... Sexy-Ryo-kicker * 0 * I must say that the sex scenes of Asians (especially Japanese), NUNCAAAA be compared with that I see here in Televisa D: hahaha I swear, sometimes to make me laugh XDDDD say it was something "cute" that she got pregnant, Sexy-Ryo-striker dies, but leaves something of him in this world (: and the fact that Takeru and Ruka Michiru decided to raise the child as a family, it was great xDD another thing that I still can not believe is the fact that Takeru is completely Gheit: S I think that he still is afraid of the female body D: but I do not think that is attracted to the body of the same sex, not if I have explainedxDDD

Finally (: is sooo good drama: O that I began to see it waaaaay xDD but now that I spend the weekend glued to the pc = __ = pss I decided to finish to see (: I love to invest my time watching this drama!: D


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