Sunday, September 28, 2008






ENPUTADA, pissed off and who dares TO DEFEND THE COMMAND TO RAPE GIRL !!!!!!!!

* goes to corner to wait for the subs IN SPANISH *

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tennis Elbow Condition_symptoms Clannad The Movie

Film Review Clannad! : D I said I would not see so much anime, but I can not help it LOL was the first service and I can not be easily dismissed. Have time I saw the anime, but I gave him weba review D: and it already has like 5 or 6 months so that the truth is no longer the case that puts me to write review of anime. The film was going to do for quite some time S, but does like 5 or 6 months (after you finish the TV series) pss I wanted to give an opportunity for the movie D: but the animation ... omggg ... I can not to anything flashy pss xDDD but now if I set the batteries and tried to imagine that the film had the same animation bonita that anime animation DDDDD truth is not convinced the story LOL but worth it:)

Random Thing of the Day: Yesterday was 1 Anoy 1 month and not the Germamado we could see LOL in the end, he had to go to work and I went to school (no way, nor would = P Hahahaha

sie now, now, to read the Bible XDDDD

Now, the story of the film is basically the same as the anime. Nagisa and Tomoya are known in the path that leads to your school, Nagisa finds it harder each day that goes to school and not feeling strong enough pairup the path to the final. Nagisa is a girl who lacks a whole school yra health problems, so now it returns this in a new group of students do not know anyone and it is difficult to adapt. Tomoya is a rebel of the school, happens every day no matter what, almost not at home, prefer to stay in the apartment of his friend Sunohara, arrives late to class and when in the school prefers to walk around the facilities to assist the classroom. The two are known, are very different, the two since they are small, have had a dream, they do not know, but his dreams are very similar and connected.

As I said, basically is the same S: The only thing is that we only focus on Nagisa and Tomoya, here there is no sequel to Fuko, or Kotomi, and Tomoyo, or anyone xDD as in the anime, Nagisa wants to revive the drama club for her to play an original work, the dream has always been since childhood. Tomoya, having nothing more important to do, decides to help in all you need, make announcements, to gather people, etc. In the end, Nagisa can "revive" the club with only having to Sunohara, Tomoya, she and the teacher Ibuki as a supervisor. Tomoya sees the work, all that tells Nagisa regarding your sueñoy he realizes that his dream & amp; about girls, or is connected with Nagisa and the two were born to know and those dreams are a sign of their unity.

In the TV series until the story ends there: O but the film continues a little longer. When the two finish the institute are to live together Nagisa and Tomoya. The two soon learn that Nagisa is pregnant, but her birth has always had a very weak body so complicate pregnancy. The day of giving birth, Nagisa dies, but left in place his daughter, Ushio. Tomoya is devastated) and repressed, not working, not eating, speaking, like a zombie that extra & amp; about girls, Nagisa AA): yea, but spend 5 years, Tomoya still stuck and can not get out of that hole): Sunohara and Tomoyo are frequented regularly Tomoyo will hacearle the department and prepare food and Sunohara sometimes stops to know how is your friend.

I think when Tomoya starts to come out of this hole is when your father comes to visit. Tomoya never had a good relationship with him, since the death of the mother: S and that was one reason why he does not like coming home. Tomoya's dad talks to him and said that it's becoming something that was because when his wife died, and lostall communication with his son, was when it sank into alcohol and gambling for the great sadness of having lost his wife and inadvertently lost all communication with your child and a great wall between them was grow over the years. Tomoya does not agree with that and end up arguing, but will accept at the bottom that is true: S

And now we wonder where this Ushio, Tomoya's daughter? This stayed with Nagisa's parents for all this time to wait for Tomoya out of that hole and it could take over. Tomoya had never seen his daughter was born the day after;, So the day was in the train station with Nagisa's parents and her daughter opened her eyes about what was happening and could not be in that hole forever and become something that had become his father. Ushio runs towards him and recognizes him as her father and Tomoya hugs.

the film ends there: O Ushio was super cute \u0026lt;3 looked just like Nagisa, Tomoya I guess I did not want to take over the small Ushio that would always be reminding Nagisa: S and even more so because the girl that looked just likeyour mom xD The movie I liked a lot: D it is clear that one is focused on Tomoya and Nagisa, and Sunohara a little to have much more personal involvement in the film comedy in the anime. At least I am not aware in the anime that he had lost his athletic scholarship and I found out just yet xDDD Tomoya entered the school for an athletic scholarship in basketball and lost when he had a fight with his father and he hurt one of the tendons in his shoulder that ended his career. To Sunohara was something similar, so explosive in character, in a game almost killed Futball hits to the opposing team and even his own team in the middle of a game S: forthat was thrown off the team and for that matter, is supposed to leave the department in which you are staying in that building is just for those athletic scholarship, but he has managed to sidestep the building manager XDDD and that's why I do not get along with the other guys u_u building as "the intruder" xD

The Tomoyo film personalities change a lot S: and personality as Kyou S: and her sister, Ryou, does not even appear in history as Fuko, who in the anime had a full arc of many chapters D: I was a bit of sadness that does not appear Fuko u_usince it's my favorite anime character: D either way (in general is a very good movie: D see more of the story that we saw in the anime, we extend a little history and see how it was the relationship between Nagisa and Tomoya after the story, remember that in the last episode of the anime, Nagisa Tomoya declares:) and it accepts your feelings * 0 * the truth is I'm curious to know how was their relationship that more happened next: O so that the film is well good to satisfy the curiosity xD

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ontario Licence Plates Boat Trailer Dear Friends

Hahaha pss drama after the discovery that I had movie xD Dear Friends gave me the task of searching and quickly found it on Crunchyroll : 3 by Cat Street have to wait until someone deigns to make subs: S but as my fandom is satisfied with both drama and film I've seen these days: D awww fucking geek and otaku that I am and I suck and re-mamo XDDDD why this movie is here again another Dramon LOL but this does not summarize all = P are only my opinions, views, criticisms, blowjobs and other:)


Rina The story is about a pretty girl castor, proud, very self-centered, is the queen of parties and clubs, is highly sought after by the boys, always very sure of itself, create you can always get more besides herself and is very pretty and is a social celebrity in the clubs and nightlife. With Rina there is only one small problem: He has no friends, because, she says, are not needed. For Rina a friend is something she can use and discard when she wants and that friends are only for that: For use. Rina's life revolves in this way until one day he learns he has cancer and his life changes radically.

In general everything is a drama. Rina when hospitalized "made" friends with a girl of 7 years: S Rina not very interested in friendship with the small, but is pressured by the insistence of the little girl innocent : S This struck me the most awwww \u0026lt;3 the girl so extremely happy that for the first time I had a friend) that throughout his life has lived in hospitals because of their disease S: Rina then learns that his little friend has cancer and when, shortly after she learns that she suffers from the same disease. Lamentablement the little girl died a short time) and unfortunately it was after the fight started to having affection for the tiny DD: Rina it also became more emotional and more with idea that was going to die soon as his little friend: S

Truth reactionary any differently to such news S: Rina's reaction was violent, negative , beating and cursing left and right D: For Rina, who always got what she wanted, it was horrible and could not now go to the same places as before, stopped frequenting centros night and had to get away 100% of them. While she was in hospital also another friend, Maki (: and Rina which earned him a peanut if tipa Reverend was there or not LOL and aww over time you will have affection Rina (: and is realizing what really is a friend Rina T__T then want to commit suicide when he learns that going to have to say goodbye to her DD boobs, as if they were not extracted were not able to stop cancer cells S , and discovered that Maki is masochistic o_o and shows that to endure the pain, it is cut in the arms LOL and she wants to "share" the pain she and Rina with a knife embedded in his chest DD: or omgg is this is friendship T__Tof good or masochism good, no mamen xD At first I wondered that Maki was so stuck in the hospital every day S: up to reveal that Maki is ill and suffers from a rare disease it will paralyze the muscles (something like Ikeuchi Aya of 1 liter of tears, i think: S) and Rina there that it should not feel like "omggg I suffer, I suffer, nobody cares and I feel mueroooo me! "and decides to be strong (: and he realizes that, while Maki is suffering much more than her, Maki remains optimistic, smiling and well cool xD Rina putting herself before):

Although in general, I think the most awwww was when Rina was going to bed with the nightclub DJ S: and he confesses his feelings and Rina and her breasts had been removed S: and by Rina first time he felt attracted to someone really sentimental and the guy was attracted too sentimental, not only physically D: Rina asked "if I was missing a leg, yet , I want to? "and he answered yes, and also asks:" And if I were in an accident and my face was deformed, I still want to? "AND THE VERY FUCKING BACK Answer YES A DD: Rina tries to sleepwith, to feel "safe" that the body accepts it has, but ... omg ... the bastard comes out with: I'm sorry D: BONE BLOWJOBS! MAMADAAAAAAAAAAS!! D: alaa Rina felt so sorry for not suck T__T net, there almost cried D: control bone to break that damn fag!!

the end, the final pss happy (: at least Rina Rina LOL although it was well fucking cocksucker, or rump with people and did many bad things, managed to save from cancer, Maki ran but not so lucky S: the disease has no cure and will be attached to a bed for eternity until the end of his days S: Rina feelsnow the duty of helping others and becomes an apprentice nurse and agrees to be open 24 hours with Maki as much as she was when I need Rina (: At the end of the film we see a well Rina, who help others without expecting anything in return, to be forgotten Rina parties, alcohol and sex. Maki unfortunately died a few years and Rina continues its nursing profession.

The happy ending is relatively S: Rina but was glad that he was given a second chance (: I think we all deserve second chances and she deserved it, after what kind of stopped andsa way bone is not worth mothers, very fucking step D: Rina inche I loved when he went to the clubs bitch bone XDD LOL omgg all greeted her on the street, bone, known super tipa XDDD seriously want to be like her (: go to the clubs and everybody knows me, this chick blowjob XDDD Keiko's performance I loved it: D enseriooo the amooo \u0026lt;3 with this and I had enough to know that I want see more movies of her: D but never rebajaré me to see the live action Sailor Moon Sailor Mars where does that only dead LOLOL: DDDDD

Monday, September 8, 2008

South Park Fishsticks En Streaming Last Friends

Awwwww \u0026lt;3 what a beautiful drama: D mega dramatic LOL but nice: D? I really liked, it shows as if they can have real and lasting friendships and probably forever) seemed to me a little nostalgic, really making me wonder if those currently conosco Esar friends there for me for life, is emotionally as if you married them:) I really liked! I think if you cry in this drama was not so beautiful it was, if not for the great nostalgia that made me feel and imagine in a couple of years:) with my current friends, new friends, the most frequent attempts possible, everyone will have work, families, etc: (awww growth is overwhelming: S

Let's see ... the goddamn story goes something like this LOL we have two school friends not seen for a shitload of time (: one day happen to meet, have an orgasm of emotion , talk a while and are happy * 0 * one of them is called Michiru and has a boyfriend who treats her like kicker rag and the other is Ruka, a lesbian biker not yet out of the closet: D Michiru is abused by her boyfriend Sosuke (but here we call Sexy-Ryo-kicker, rite?: 3) and one day realizes Ruka: O Michiru tries to persuade her to let Ryo-Sexy-kicker, but Michiru that she loves him so much This clinging to her sexy, but rapper boyfriend, going to change a day) until thatday comes ... and yes, Sexy-Ryo-kicker change ... BUT TO A SEXY-RYO-PICKGUARD maaaaaan PICKGUARD! D: ASU mother boxer turned into the bastard> __> that the poor Michiru sent to hospital nearly DD: Michiru's when you realize that you can not spend more time with him and decides to live with Ruka and his friends in a shared house (:

Awww but I love what the story is that apache is pure love, LOVE THE GOOD: D or at least had by Michiru Sexy-Ryo-kicker was good) to the end we realize that Sexy-Ryo-striker also felt love for Michiru, bonenot only loved her like a boxing bag, but I think he was unsure, heartless and Michiru wanted to retain as much as I could to not lose it, but there are ways to shapes, and forms of Sexy -Ryo-striker did not work: S It is clear that both the human eye can Persiva few things that the eye of the woman: Or maybe it's the sixth sense of man xDDD Sexy-Ryo-kicker from the beginning realized that Ruka was not a normal girl: O hahaha maybe for men it is easy to identify lesbians and for us it is easy to identify fucking = P

Then there Takeru, Eri and Ogura = P all proved excellent personajes: D the only character I had seen of Mizukawa Asami had been the Nodame Cantabile pss XD and I like to see doing another character so different from Nodame: 3 all disheveled, facades, drunk, gay , partying, noviera hahaha in the end, the love XD omgg no doubt if I had my relationship with Germamado, I wish I could be like her: D and bone omgggg is so clear that if not left with Juri Ueno Hiroshi Tamaki, then it must be Eita! DDD: because there are so many dramas and movies where they have to go out together, where they share feelings of love * 0 * omggg are clues that the public is to be cuentaaaa XDDDDD * dreaming *

never quite understand what's sister Takeru did to this ... perhaps she touched her private parts or what?! D: I say that in this flahsback LOLOL pss omgg you hagarro the buttock with a lust that I even remembered my buttock grabbing a German chick fucking pederast LOLOLOL: S generally Takeru's character I like (: and I've seen several characters and this sounded very artistic as well as that of Nodame, but art in another way: 3 I would certainly like looooong! xDD before I did not like Eita: O but I've had enough affection with the years! \u0026lt;3 now when I see a movie or drama to watch, surely I have another reason to watch themor XDDD

Ueno Juri's character does not stop to amaze me: S the first time I saw her was as Nodame and so I stick with the vision of Nodame and my forgetfulness full she is an actress and that in the future would do more roles D: maybe did not want to see this drama at first because I knew the character he played here juri was so different from Nodame I was afraid to lose that vision I had about it, and know what happened: THAT VISION IS LOST! But I think I improve a vision of "Ueno Juri as Nodame" to a "Ueno Juri, a large multi-faceted actress." Actually let me con such good taste (: no doubt I will keep it maaas dramas! Why do I feel, that like Eita, I still like his other characters: D Actually I imagined Juri anything but a lesbian D: It was a great shock to me. And do not think I have anything against lesbians, [info] sakurita insurance still believe that hatred of lesbians (LESBIAN IF FOR ONE NINA INSULT, BECAUSE THE INSULTS THEM D: * VOMITS BODIES *), but absolutely not so u_u remember, SAKUCITA IS OPEN-MIND: D sooo, lesbians come to me but seriously 8DDDD DD: I imagined all the actresses world of lesbians in The L Word world, but never me Juri Ueno hubLOLOL iera thought was why me pretty xDD shockeo (Ni with Rainie Yang in this movie to a lesbian DD: Bone or her * devastation *).

I like the maturity of the characters, especially the Ruka, she trying to take its "nature" for a course in which she believed the right to not be afraid accepted as is, but as Eiri said, will always Ruka Ruka (: and that is what I also think about the people. The truth I am well pleased with this drama, dramas almost always see that they are more attached the school romances, school problems and that: S I had timesaw a drama not so mature and they really were mature (: with some events so real and so well acted: D I think my favorite scenes, is when Takeru Ruka hugs before she moves and are seen by Michiru D: omggg omgg that scene as I arrived I felt T__T mega nice: D and the truth for a moment I thought "Ruka sele omgg to be removed as a lesbian: O" but there is no doubt that as you are born and die = P did not change anything LOL but in the end I liked that crush on Michiru persists (: say, from the beginning that was the essence of the relationship of these two.

NowMichiru is pregnant ... Sexy-Ryo-kicker * 0 * I must say that the sex scenes of Asians (especially Japanese), NUNCAAAA be compared with that I see here in Televisa D: hahaha I swear, sometimes to make me laugh XDDDD say it was something "cute" that she got pregnant, Sexy-Ryo-striker dies, but leaves something of him in this world (: and the fact that Takeru and Ruka Michiru decided to raise the child as a family, it was great xDD another thing that I still can not believe is the fact that Takeru is completely Gheit: S I think that he still is afraid of the female body D: but I do not think that is attracted to the body of the same sex, not if I have explainedxDDD

Finally (: is sooo good drama: O that I began to see it waaaaay xDD but now that I spend the weekend glued to the pc = __ = pss I decided to finish to see (: I love to invest my time watching this drama!: D