Saturday, January 24, 2009

Crazy Bathroom Sink Designs CLANNAD Kyaa AMOOO AWW LO * 0 *

And today is day pss Saxxxu remove that damn geek within him: D ACAV OSEA ME TO SEE THE ICSC CLANNAD AFTER 14 OF THE STORYYY! * __ *


encantaa 9_9 and aww I cry of joy and anguish and mystery D: and I hope, I hope Y MI OJALA AND MENTAL HEALTH THE ANIME NOT END LIKE THE MOVIE! DEBEEE NO! ! but everything I see seems to be going the same direction ... I do not want ... * Emo *

First of all ...

Tomoya and NAGISA ALREADY MARRIED AND I AM HAPPY HAPPY FELIIIIZ! : D KyaaA ~ aww cuties are all his little ring cheap wedding encantaa * __ * me! 9_9 and already living together: D and I love Tomoya well as brave as it went from bad to accept that the pope were to live together and he and she could marry omgg 9_9 ... awww * emo * and then ... XDD bone and started to go down the same path inevitable that took the movie and now inevitably is taking the anime 9_9

And we started with Nagisa ecchiness XDD I love being so as

I want to give me a son, Tomoya-kun ...

HAHAHAHA! XDDDD That was not exactly so Nagisa's words but I would love LOLdo it that way! XDDD And pss go that he understood that the Tomoya "What most want is a baby" (actually that was what he said Nagisa) and BOTH LOST NO TIME NO ... that is that soon after ... a certain someone came out with their Sunday Seven: D

to Tomoya-kun and had hard sex!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OSEAAA TELLS ABOUT THEIR PARENTS "had sex" XDDD OSEAAA mameen not LOL I love the sincerity in this scene lol cry, I laughed as I twisted and stupid with it certainly XDD this happened to the story in the anime XDD or at least remain as one of theKey scenes lol best

And what we loved most was, ppl? : D the reaction of the potato ~ so happy with the good news ~

Congratulations ... * Inner: *

LOLOLOL ME DO ME MATO DE RISA DE LA RISAAA PIPIIIII XDDD ENANT AWWW ME THIS ANIMEE 9_9 is that bone, the reaction of the pope was more than obvious LOL and as the two were married pss ... is normal, no? xD have children when they married, but what I love most is that they lost their time hahahaha! XDD should buy a TV: D


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