Saturday, January 24, 2009

Crazy Bathroom Sink Designs CLANNAD Kyaa AMOOO AWW LO * 0 *

And today is day pss Saxxxu remove that damn geek within him: D ACAV OSEA ME TO SEE THE ICSC CLANNAD AFTER 14 OF THE STORYYY! * __ *


encantaa 9_9 and aww I cry of joy and anguish and mystery D: and I hope, I hope Y MI OJALA AND MENTAL HEALTH THE ANIME NOT END LIKE THE MOVIE! DEBEEE NO! ! but everything I see seems to be going the same direction ... I do not want ... * Emo *

First of all ...

Tomoya and NAGISA ALREADY MARRIED AND I AM HAPPY HAPPY FELIIIIZ! : D KyaaA ~ aww cuties are all his little ring cheap wedding encantaa * __ * me! 9_9 and already living together: D and I love Tomoya well as brave as it went from bad to accept that the pope were to live together and he and she could marry omgg 9_9 ... awww * emo * and then ... XDD bone and started to go down the same path inevitable that took the movie and now inevitably is taking the anime 9_9

And we started with Nagisa ecchiness XDD I love being so as

I want to give me a son, Tomoya-kun ...

HAHAHAHA! XDDDD That was not exactly so Nagisa's words but I would love LOLdo it that way! XDDD And pss go that he understood that the Tomoya "What most want is a baby" (actually that was what he said Nagisa) and BOTH LOST NO TIME NO ... that is that soon after ... a certain someone came out with their Sunday Seven: D

to Tomoya-kun and had hard sex!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OSEAAA TELLS ABOUT THEIR PARENTS "had sex" XDDD OSEAAA mameen not LOL I love the sincerity in this scene lol cry, I laughed as I twisted and stupid with it certainly XDD this happened to the story in the anime XDD or at least remain as one of theKey scenes lol best

And what we loved most was, ppl? : D the reaction of the potato ~ so happy with the good news ~

Congratulations ... * Inner: *

LOLOLOL ME DO ME MATO DE RISA DE LA RISAAA PIPIIIII XDDD ENANT AWWW ME THIS ANIMEE 9_9 is that bone, the reaction of the pope was more than obvious LOL and as the two were married pss ... is normal, no? xD have children when they married, but what I love most is that they lost their time hahahaha! XDD should buy a TV: D

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Arteritis More Condition_symptoms Review: Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight Guilty

and who should have uploaded this for more than a week?! PSS YO! PSS WHO ELSE WILL BE MORE THAT I WebOne?! 8D

Okay, I should feel proud of it LOL ... okay, well and if I feel a little proud XDD truth or not to do so pancho Review O__O the good fucking I'm ugly, right click short and never happens when you start writing will always miss them all IBAN to write that?! Pss XDD happens to me 99.9% of the time: D pss I will throw the two reviews in a single entry D: because here my greaves are thundering and do what I say! XDDD hahaha not true, I just wanted to say that phrase mexicanota cactus LOL Anyway, when received & eacuyou n me went Vampire Knight began to see, but "bored me" o___o sie ... I got bored! Pss XDDD and now I put the batteries and told me "now if I have to see ..." I and pss macho and I threw it all: 3

By the way, if you find out there in the Review that is written "or Vampir Knight" instead of " and Vampir Knight" , please let me know:) when I was writing the review in the word I did not realize that every time I wrote Vampire Knight I changed the E by O = / I noticed when I was all written and modify T__T he could see, but if I miss one, please let me know:) ALL THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS AS USUAL!

manga so I have many years left DD: I was down when you first Matsuri Hino was in vogue and pss everybody talked about it and new manga "Vampire Knight" but then for reasons of fate download weba stop and now that I threw the two seasons of anime pss I am more than encouraged to start downloading from where I stay: 3 I only have one week before entering, and I fill of fandom as much as possible LOL


started with Vampire Knight, and pss I'll start by saying that goes, maybe someone does not know yet xD Yuuki Cross attends a school with dormitories, she lives there because his adoptive father is the director of the academia. This place is unusual, because apart from being inhabited by humans, there are vampires. In the classes, "the day" students are human, but the night classes are attended only by vampires. Obviously the two "races" are separated for obvious reasons. The rest of the students do not know that these students are really incredible beauty beauty and are always behind them givingoles gifts and cards and Yuuki and Zero are charged to protect and monitor at night to the human students do not go to the area of vampires and risking their lives. Everything is going very well for Yuuki and Zero until the latter begins to act strange ... that can no longer conceal the "truth" Yuuki ... that is also a vampire. The story is good fucking good! : D I do not understand that bothered me in the past LOL We have a Zero hates vampires and he is one of them LOL ironic right? Ironically enough from my point of view


The openings e ndings And generally speaking, the two seasons. Actually I did not like the openings D: especially that of the first xD I do not like, really boring. On the second I like a bit more: 3 but the endings are amoor ~ especially the VK Guilty: D I loved it and I want to download the songs xDD see Yuuki with those butterfly wings with blood drawn looked mega cool : Or the openings were not found anything special O__O and the first endings I love how it looks like a Lolita Yuuki so lol and then as a dancer, no, they were so my style xD ~ I really liked however as The openings did not have that "touch" special. They were simply more of an anime opening more. No joke.

History As a little comment, the story of Zero is a bit ironic, he hates vampires that one murderer to his parents and "kidnapping" her Twin brother, but this vampire bitten Zero and became one of them. The story really revolves around Zero and Yuuki, but we also have to Kaname, a vampire who attends the school. Say that he is the brightest star among vampires xD just come from a family thoroughbred and for that reason it is extremely powerful and we all fear and respect. Director Cross and Kaname are planned at this academy may Fomentotar and prove that vampires and humans can coexist peacefully, but there are people out there who do not approve of that, there are people who later betrayed and have the "enemies" of the past will appear again to make the lives of Kaname and Zero squares.

Being a vampire is sexy ...
SIE! I AM A SICK D: AND MEETING SEXY ZERO BIT WHEN OR WHEN A ZERO BIT Yuuki Kaname! OMFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKINGGOOOOOD WAS SEXY AS MUNDOOOOO CLICK!! * HORNY * xD Um ... okay ... pss iaa 9__9 sie, as I said, whatfind a "little bit" sexy = P the first time Zero Yuuki bitten pss my reaction was "OMFG LOL", but when the bit in the bathroom ... osea ... IN THE BATHROOM! ! O__O was: "oh ... my gosh ... that sexy O___O" . And not that be a fetish for biting in the bathroom xD that Kaname Zero also bitten in the bathroom on the second occasion that "they did" XDDDD (I love two-way talk 8B ) and was super sexy and Kaname *___* also talking to the ear and all DD: omgggg ... sexy: 3 this anime was good sexy ONLYfor those bites! XDD

The most "OMFG" discover that Zero's twin brother was alive O__O and was now the enemy DD: When I commented that enemies of the past returning pss me Thoroughbred referíaa the vampire who killed parents Zero Zero T__T family came from a long line of vampire hunters, but when faced with Shizuka, the thoroughbred was when the enclocaron and killed DD : this small part when it appears Shizuka is the strangest thing that bit her in the past of Zero, turning into a vampire, however, Ichiru, theZero's brother, betrayed his own family and decided to go with Shizuka (that was what actually happened, I put "kidnap" in quotes xD). In this small series we see that Ichiru D falls in love with Shizuka, and asks him to become a vampire in order to be always with her, but she never did so, there is unleashed a "grudge" by Ichiru to Zero because I never realized that if Shizuka turned Zero into a vampire, but he always said "To you is the one that I will not bite." From there I realized that the feelings were reciprocated Shizuka to Ichiru DD: Shizuka was in love with him and for that reason did not want to become a monster like her. Or at least that's my crappy theory

The end of Vampire Knight comes with the death of Shizuka Ichiru's arms. Kaname killed her. And it concludes with Zero, who is about to enter the last level of a vampire, where they lose consciousness and become a blood-sucking machine, murders and regardless of who is biting and killing. Kaname convinces Zero to chew on that the only way a vampire that has been converted by a thoroughbred, is that estand vampire takes blood from the same pure-blood or another. Kaname convinces him that if she reaches the level E Zero, Yuuki cried a lot and they both have one thing in common: They do not want to see and Yuuki. So the season ends with Zero-omfgmente biting sexy-Kaname.

Now here in Vampire Knight Guilty history is still where we left off in the series / season pass. Now here we focus on Yuuki and Kaname, especially Yuuki. Something not mentioned in the review of Vampire Knight is the way the director of the academy adopted to Yuuki. It was found in the middle of a snowstorm Kaname, thethe exception of a vampire who was going to eat it from there Yuuki has a fascinacióny admiration for Kaname, because he is their hero and the person who was slowly falling in love. Before he was found by Kaname Yuuki has no recollection of his life (around 6 or 7 years had when she was found ... or so I'm not sure xD), hence it is making efforts to remember, begins to have memories and is discovering that he had not remembered who he was, who were his parents, with whom he lived, etc..

The story focuses almost all of this, aboutYuuki started to see an aura of Melancholy concern, which we did not see much in the first series. In the first series saw a Yuuki always smiling (although most of the time just smiling at commitment or do not feel bad to Zero) and cheerful, but now here we had almost no Yuuki that positive way (all the time tired and depressed because they can not remember his past. Another thing to note is that here we see a Kaname a bit more sentimental, makes it to have a "relationship" with Yuuki and obviously we realize the feelings that Zero is Yuuki = / I actually think that the two seasons, this was the most sad, there were many things that do not queria that happen and not happen other than we really wanted to see o_O many sad scenes and no doubt the dose of angst is much stronger here than in the previous D:

We characters practically the same characters from the first season. In the first installment of Vampire Knight saw Kaname as fellow servants were more than friends, but now in this second part we show a little as everyone knew and how after that layer of respect and fear you feel sometimes to Kaname, they are all friends really are more faithful because of his friendshipby the commitments and respect. We also have Ichiru back to again have it as an enemy and later, near the end, he dies: (for this we also have a super sexy scene where Zero bites and drinks his blood * *. I horny the only new characters that we are Yuuki's parents and uncle of this, the 3 die, which explain below.

Yuuki's past Yuuki is a pure vampire blood to the point! xD and sister of Kaname. Yuuki's parents were a very important among families of vampires, but her father did not expect that his brother would increase & iacute, probably power and abuse of his wife (drinking their blood ... clarify xD) and among other things. Now I was looking for the little Yuuki. The little Yuuki never left the room where she was, her parents were always with her and was happy just to be with his parents and his brother Kaname. Yuuki's parents promised to Kaname that when she grew up, would be his wife, in other words: they were committed. Thoroughbred thing between the matter be brothers to unite their lives, and Yuuki's parents were also siblings. One day the guy comes to take the intentions of Yuuki, her father's house and protect Kaname also trying to buy time for the motherThis resort to the last alternative. Inside the house the mother of Yuuki uses a kind of spell to make Yuuki in human and not have to be involved with the dangerous world of vampires and so have a life safe from all this. She was abandoned in the woods in a snowstorm and was when faced with Kaname and is saved by it. So was the story of Yuuki and so she did not remember anything. I think this was one of the things most of Vampire Knight Guilty OMFG D:

The final Mmm ... I can say ... very inconclusive end xD pss for obvious reasons : manga still continues. Zero was at the endwho was intended to sell the guy on Yuuki. Yuuki Kaname takes with him and could not believe Zero Yuuki had become a monster like him. In the Saga Guilty Zero returns to follow the lineage of his fathers: being a vampire hunter. Obviously never mind the fact that is one of them. Yuuki and Zero Zero is fired and Yuuki promises that someday seek to kill her and she replies that will be waiting.

My personal opinion in general = (...
Zero and Yuuki WHY WERE NOT TOGETHER?! D: AND NOW JUSTTHAT I'M STARTING TO READ THE MANGA AGAIN> (OSEA PUTA SHIIIIIT DDD: the net but I like Zero, Kaname has weba face xD On the other hand ... that Yuuki and Kaname were brothers never I expect it was a surprise for me xDD Yuuki then as you grow your hair so long LOL I found it totally unnecessary and inexplicable (sie, okay I understand that small had long hair, but ... OSEA NOO ES PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE THAN MAMONE XDDD), but at least looked good, rare, but well xD So Shizuka and super tragic Ichiru T__T at least my chicken heart understood the history of those two D this way: she did not want convertirlo vampire that loved him too, but he wanted to be with her forever ... aww ... sad = (And I love it when Kaname Yuuki makes "drink" of his blood XDD BONE BLOW JOB WAS SO SEXY AND MAMONE AT A TIME! XDD he bites himself and fills his mouth with blood and then goes and kisses Yuuki, bone xDD LOL hahaha a bit bizarre but has a bit of sexyness
Hahaha xD no longer so many more blowjobs LOL that is a saku-recommendation, but after finishing Guilty WILL HAVE to read your manga
OF A Webo if you really want to know what comes next xD if you will not get more of the anime, but THAT WEBA net expected them to take something the ma xDnga lowered faster = P