Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Calgary Project Cars For Sale Expected to be ready xD

From the other day I wanted to post this: D but could not because the lj she fell or not they will step ptuas no reply: S and memory of sueñoy I went to sleep = __ = so more better be prepared: D

And I'll post below the reasons for this: 1 .-

much bulk to be MANY
2 .- Many friends and I commented to them and not me so I did not see the case
3 .- Some of my friends are changed like underwear user XDD so delete inactive accounts
4 .- never established a friendship and does not let users saw the case as well among my friends: 3

This only applies to usersI had added another xD so if you do not see entries under lock and know the reason ~

O__O I really do not delete many accounts most were inactive or had not been updated since more than 6 months.


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