Thursday, November 27, 2008

Small Broken Capilliaries On Chest USAKA USAKA LA LA RA RA RA!

My dear [info] vainillalatte hoooy birthday! * 3 * inche Usakaaaa! XDDD bone and a few years to meet you, really, no mames, mamoooo you! * 3 * XDDD I'm Ghei and cursiii

In fact I have a couple of things to tell, but the truth is that I sleep shit XDDD I'm going to sleep, I have been delivering work like crazy all week D: seriously I deserve to sleep in ~

H to p p and B and e r - d to and , U s to to k !

* will take place without it LOL *

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Calgary Project Cars For Sale Expected to be ready xD

From the other day I wanted to post this: D but could not because the lj she fell or not they will step ptuas no reply: S and memory of sueƱoy I went to sleep = __ = so more better be prepared: D

And I'll post below the reasons for this: 1 .-

much bulk to be MANY
2 .- Many friends and I commented to them and not me so I did not see the case
3 .- Some of my friends are changed like underwear user XDD so delete inactive accounts
4 .- never established a friendship and does not let users saw the case as well among my friends: 3

This only applies to usersI had added another xD so if you do not see entries under lock and know the reason ~

O__O I really do not delete many accounts most were inactive or had not been updated since more than 6 months.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Who Does Myammee Hair Ext Review: Twilight Movie

Frankly I had a load since I did a review XDD and as I reached the pre-premiere of Twilight pss here I am: 3 will be very quick, for I die of sleep, but not much to tell the truth when I say xD I have not much to say I do not mean that it was a bad movie, had its good and others were not so, but I'm not complaining:)

remains of more to say that the movie is so we LOL pounce this part, never warn of spoilers in my reviews but these are full of spoilers, but this time I notice that THERE WILL BE MANY SPOILERS xD

's begin the story, I liked how aAsmended all: O respected quite the original idea of the book and there was nothing that I say: "OMFG THIS WAS NOT IN THE BOOK!" , changes had been very insignificant and indeed xD not many changes had for my taste. The only thing that was not quite to my liking was the fact that Jacob appeared very soon D: is supposed to be Bella and Jacob were when this was going to The Plush with friends, also Jacob's friends turned up with this at The Plush I do not remember that these appear, I'll be honest, but my friend Kathy told me they did not appear, so I'm not quite sure: S I do not remember very well the descriptions of Bella's friends, I mean Eric, Mike, etc. The actor who played me like Mikemuch like that of Jessica, but this I think that put a little more stupid than I thought it was xD I imagined more castor beans, not so silly. Rosalie never going to end up like Jasper and bone ... LOL not ... too rigid, bony: TOO. I'm not convinced all the acting of Jasper, so I was not expecting at all: S I imagined a little more loose and a little less rigid looked like a robot XD LOL

What if I can say is that I had fun seeing it xD as well in the book there are some parts "droll" I really liked Veerle reecreadas xD Charlie seemed more comical than Iimagined, but I do not dislike anything, same goes for Bella, her dry sarcasm and graceless xDD I really liked and I think my favorite part was when the bowl broke Rosalie furious to learn that Bella had already eaten and there was no need to food LOL I think that part was great xD apart from Esmme said "You have to clean that>: O" liked me, I laughed a lot xDD

And what I did not like>: O house of Cullen D: I seriously imagined TAN different VERY I felt when I saw desepcionada (muuuuchisimo expecting something more different D: Also inside the house very different fromto as I thought D: No, not satisfied with the Cullen's house (the character of Jacob is not like xD many say that this gorgeous, but pss at least in the movie do not see how handsome on any side D : also the hair that you put this horrible, MINIMUM were combing their long hair, but even that DD:

is generally a good movie Oo is an excellent adaptation, but neither is the worst (OSEA, I make fun of HARRY POTTER FANS IN THEIR FACES, Jaaaa Jaaaa ...!!!) and I found quite entertaining, attached to the book and think it was summed up in a good way, omitting parties do not matter and just let las they were more important. No doubt that Stephenie Meyer was supervising the filming: D in some of the communities 238956194501841209381523 lei Meyer Twilight all the time traveling to the place of shooting to make sure that everything was fine and was also overseeing the screenwriters: O than in a scene from the movie appears XDD eating vegetarian food if I set scenes appeared in more random, but I put my big face LOL when I saw on the screen LOL is now a movie star XDDDD Anyway, yaaa for xDD end I will tell you it's not a bad movie, maybe did not fulfill all expectations I had, but left me almost happy:)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Used Kitchenaid Stand Mixer For Sale Saskatoon Change layout:)

I began to think a bit ... this last month I had written not as many entries as in months See by: S most of this month I threw a week and so entry is not me: S so I thought that maybe what "bothered me" was that I was already a bit bored with this layout XDD hope you like it:) is quite simple and I did the header in 10 minutes super sencillito LOL:) but I wanted something in gray! * 3 * or dark colors xDD but also looks pretty white clarito so entries ... well i think that this was what I wanted to see ^ ^ how long I get bored this XDDD