Friday, December 5, 2008

Viral Hepatitis More Condition_symptoms Hana Yori Dango Movie ~Review~

And I always love being in the past: D the net gave me a load of weba see this movie made me LOL so weba poníaa I did not even look XDD but anyway, I found by chance in a page that I visit frequently to vary LOL and all the bits you charge at night to see her this morning: 3 assumes that this review should have been online since noon, but omg ... after gave me a fucking cramps that I lay on the bed about 4 hours D: I kept squirming and send a little message to him saying Germamado LOL I was dying and throwing batons answer me: D for a change me answer a cellDF lada ... I played I wonder when she'll be going to oxxo to put the balance to your cel D: in order ...

If someone does not know by now Hana Yori Dango the net NO WORLD THAT HAVE LIVED, I never considered fan to the bone with a "F4 for ever" tattooed on his chest, but pss was curious to see the movie. I only saw the first season of the drama, the second I began to see, but leave it standing in the middle, maybe one day I put batteries and finish him: 3 I also assume that everyone already knows that Hana Yori Dango is so we skip that part xD


The story begins where Tsukasa announced to the world that is getting married next spring with Makino Tsukushi, all eyes are fixed on the couple and privacy for the family disappears Makino, the reporters now being harass 24 hours a day. Makino's family are arranged with the mother of Tsukasa and this gives Tsukushi a tiara called "The Smile of Venus" has been passed from generation to generation by women Domyoji family. All goes well for the happy couple, but "The Smile of Venus" was robbed and Tsukasa and Tsukushi are seen in the task of going to recover before Tsukasa's mother realizes the disappearancearicióny shot them both xD

history the story is just that, how Tsukasa and Tsukushi pursue the trail of the robber, end up in Las Vegas, then in Hong Kong and more recently on a desert island where they belong surviving for nearly a month. In some parts of the story is listed as an action LOL I mean, when Tsukasa and the robber fought throughout the hotel, I mean it went through these scenes, as the robber escaped by jumping from the building and holding the helicopter, too much action for me in Hana YoriDango xD the story does not disgust me at all, really found it entertaining, I kept the slope without being distracted
much history. In fact everything from "The Smile of Venus" was a plot to test the love of Tsukushi and Tsukasa, was planned by her parents and Tsukasa's mother decided to help, hence the deception is unleashed two tested if they were truly meant to be together. I do not really imagine that all this was planned by the mother of Tsukushi, was a surprise, but a bit unpleasant, I swore that someone wanted to ruin Tsukasa, but it was like this: S never mind, never guess correctly


scenes I think of my favorite scenes was the wedding * __ * married there that was his first date really cute xD the truth, I was Ghei and I'm excited: 3 the whole truth the wedding scene seemed super nice, my heart would not stop jumping Ghei of emotion: D Full details of the lights, the collaboration of many characters who appear throughout the film but if they had appeared there, I really felt very complete. The Tsukushi and Tsukasa's wedding was better than I expected: 3 Another of my favorites was when Makino is at home watching the news with family and co arethe press and got mo videos, photos and Tsukushi's history through sources "anonymous" (which were clearly saw that Yuuki and Tanaka-san XDD that was the funniest and LOL and all XDDD) . And the best scene of all:
"OMG GIVE ME YOUR AUTOGRAPH Domyoji?! : D "hahaha that giant trucker
my morning mood was so LOL XDDD and icon makes him more than a while: D

SOMEONE TELL ME TIME THAT THE ALIENS KIDNAPPED MOTHER OF TSUKASA AND REPLACE WITH MORE WOMAN SMILING AND KIND OF WORLD?! D: seriously & Hellip; that pussies happened to Tsukasa's mother?! D: Too ... VERY different for my taste, if it's okay and he dropped the 20 that his son is going to marry that girl either, but accept it and so kindly? Be so so kind, good vibes? ... HUG A Tsukushi?! Osea ... net ... very ... VERY DIFFERENT D: I do not dislike all, but it was so weird ... I'm so used to seeing the mother of Tsukasa as Cruella D'Vil of Japanandthe give me a change so as drastically, I will take a while to digest. For all other characters was great, everyone was pleased, even I was so glad that Shigeru had long scenes: 3 mefalls so well that character, at first I hated when he appeared in the drama xD but ends up cayéndote as well. In general, all were very good: 3 in actions and in everything, even sempai appears Tsukushi Teach him to be a lady in the first season of drama XDD I was so glad to see that actress: 3

The bad and the ugly
Parts of mission impossible by Tsukasa and the thief LOL I do not really like it. I also found that bad they changed the personality of the mother of Tsukasa, not saying that should always be so badbut he had not been completely removed as bitch D: Another thing that I did not find all bad, nor ugly, but rather was the most in the world ... LOL Hanazawa Rui
seriously ... I did not know whether to laugh or mourn percent xD Actually I can not put more bad things around here xD sincere film that left me satisfied:)

The music I really liked the background music * __ * some classic songs from Hana Yori Dango dorama q onlyue different bars, I really liked, I felt a bit of nostalgia. When Tsukasa and Tsukushi are on the island is a song I do not know who sings it: O I'd like to know, I loved it and I'll get to look: D and could not lack the classic Arashi song for each new release of Hana Yori Dango, the typical rate of Arashi LOL the truth was not entirely to my liking, but not completely disgust me, lately I've been almost all the songs like Arashi : S anyway ...

and I think that was my review: 3 I would personally be satisfied, cret it would be a bad movie, but I really liked: 3 at least and to this end is given a final (or at least I think so ...) and makes me feel a little nostalgia, I really think is a bit incredible "already finished" and that we will not have more than Hana Yori Dango, I was never a big fan, but boy if I liked the adventures of Tsukushi and Tsukasa u_u mainly because it Matsujun "something" as an actor I love it xD I was encouraged to see more dramas of the ~ I have there a couple of dramas that I have not seen because of the school: 3 to see whether these school holidays without and without Germamado to me many of the things I have planned: D

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Small Broken Capilliaries On Chest USAKA USAKA LA LA RA RA RA!

My dear [info] vainillalatte hoooy birthday! * 3 * inche Usakaaaa! XDDD bone and a few years to meet you, really, no mames, mamoooo you! * 3 * XDDD I'm Ghei and cursiii

In fact I have a couple of things to tell, but the truth is that I sleep shit XDDD I'm going to sleep, I have been delivering work like crazy all week D: seriously I deserve to sleep in ~

H to p p and B and e r - d to and , U s to to k !

* will take place without it LOL *

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Calgary Project Cars For Sale Expected to be ready xD

From the other day I wanted to post this: D but could not because the lj she fell or not they will step ptuas no reply: S and memory of sueñoy I went to sleep = __ = so more better be prepared: D

And I'll post below the reasons for this: 1 .-

much bulk to be MANY
2 .- Many friends and I commented to them and not me so I did not see the case
3 .- Some of my friends are changed like underwear user XDD so delete inactive accounts
4 .- never established a friendship and does not let users saw the case as well among my friends: 3

This only applies to usersI had added another xD so if you do not see entries under lock and know the reason ~

O__O I really do not delete many accounts most were inactive or had not been updated since more than 6 months.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Who Does Myammee Hair Ext Review: Twilight Movie

Frankly I had a load since I did a review XDD and as I reached the pre-premiere of Twilight pss here I am: 3 will be very quick, for I die of sleep, but not much to tell the truth when I say xD I have not much to say I do not mean that it was a bad movie, had its good and others were not so, but I'm not complaining:)

remains of more to say that the movie is so we LOL pounce this part, never warn of spoilers in my reviews but these are full of spoilers, but this time I notice that THERE WILL BE MANY SPOILERS xD

's begin the story, I liked how aAsmended all: O respected quite the original idea of the book and there was nothing that I say: "OMFG THIS WAS NOT IN THE BOOK!" , changes had been very insignificant and indeed xD not many changes had for my taste. The only thing that was not quite to my liking was the fact that Jacob appeared very soon D: is supposed to be Bella and Jacob were when this was going to The Plush with friends, also Jacob's friends turned up with this at The Plush I do not remember that these appear, I'll be honest, but my friend Kathy told me they did not appear, so I'm not quite sure: S I do not remember very well the descriptions of Bella's friends, I mean Eric, Mike, etc. The actor who played me like Mikemuch like that of Jessica, but this I think that put a little more stupid than I thought it was xD I imagined more castor beans, not so silly. Rosalie never going to end up like Jasper and bone ... LOL not ... too rigid, bony: TOO. I'm not convinced all the acting of Jasper, so I was not expecting at all: S I imagined a little more loose and a little less rigid looked like a robot XD LOL

What if I can say is that I had fun seeing it xD as well in the book there are some parts "droll" I really liked Veerle reecreadas xD Charlie seemed more comical than Iimagined, but I do not dislike anything, same goes for Bella, her dry sarcasm and graceless xDD I really liked and I think my favorite part was when the bowl broke Rosalie furious to learn that Bella had already eaten and there was no need to food LOL I think that part was great xD apart from Esmme said "You have to clean that>: O" liked me, I laughed a lot xDD

And what I did not like>: O house of Cullen D: I seriously imagined TAN different VERY I felt when I saw desepcionada (muuuuchisimo expecting something more different D: Also inside the house very different fromto as I thought D: No, not satisfied with the Cullen's house (the character of Jacob is not like xD many say that this gorgeous, but pss at least in the movie do not see how handsome on any side D : also the hair that you put this horrible, MINIMUM were combing their long hair, but even that DD:

is generally a good movie Oo is an excellent adaptation, but neither is the worst (OSEA, I make fun of HARRY POTTER FANS IN THEIR FACES, Jaaaa Jaaaa ...!!!) and I found quite entertaining, attached to the book and think it was summed up in a good way, omitting parties do not matter and just let las they were more important. No doubt that Stephenie Meyer was supervising the filming: D in some of the communities 238956194501841209381523 lei Meyer Twilight all the time traveling to the place of shooting to make sure that everything was fine and was also overseeing the screenwriters: O than in a scene from the movie appears XDD eating vegetarian food if I set scenes appeared in more random, but I put my big face LOL when I saw on the screen LOL is now a movie star XDDDD Anyway, yaaa for xDD end I will tell you it's not a bad movie, maybe did not fulfill all expectations I had, but left me almost happy:)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Used Kitchenaid Stand Mixer For Sale Saskatoon Change layout:)

I began to think a bit ... this last month I had written not as many entries as in months See by: S most of this month I threw a week and so entry is not me: S so I thought that maybe what "bothered me" was that I was already a bit bored with this layout XDD hope you like it:) is quite simple and I did the header in 10 minutes super sencillito LOL:) but I wanted something in gray! * 3 * or dark colors xDD but also looks pretty white clarito so entries ... well i think that this was what I wanted to see ^ ^ how long I get bored this XDDD

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lord Of The Rings Hantai From a mac 8D

And since I'm well fucking chingona, finish my work I have to do in class and walk Vector Drawing online 8D and I am upgrading from a Mac lol ugly looks good from here oo lj not by queeee! D = y psss when I get home at night I talk to them as I was on my birthday xD bored me a little bit right now in my class xD

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Everyday Minerals Concealer Swatch Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaaaaaa (8)

Pss DDD will not say much, just leave an image to edit and that speaks for itself:)

Sunday, September 28, 2008






ENPUTADA, pissed off and who dares TO DEFEND THE COMMAND TO RAPE GIRL !!!!!!!!

* goes to corner to wait for the subs IN SPANISH *

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tennis Elbow Condition_symptoms Clannad The Movie

Film Review Clannad! : D I said I would not see so much anime, but I can not help it LOL was the first service and I can not be easily dismissed. Have time I saw the anime, but I gave him weba review D: and it already has like 5 or 6 months so that the truth is no longer the case that puts me to write review of anime. The film was going to do for quite some time S, but does like 5 or 6 months (after you finish the TV series) pss I wanted to give an opportunity for the movie D: but the animation ... omggg ... I can not to anything flashy pss xDDD but now if I set the batteries and tried to imagine that the film had the same animation bonita that anime animation DDDDD truth is not convinced the story LOL but worth it:)

Random Thing of the Day: Yesterday was 1 Anoy 1 month and not the Germamado we could see LOL in the end, he had to go to work and I went to school (no way, nor would = P Hahahaha

sie now, now, to read the Bible XDDDD

Now, the story of the film is basically the same as the anime. Nagisa and Tomoya are known in the path that leads to your school, Nagisa finds it harder each day that goes to school and not feeling strong enough pairup the path to the final. Nagisa is a girl who lacks a whole school yra health problems, so now it returns this in a new group of students do not know anyone and it is difficult to adapt. Tomoya is a rebel of the school, happens every day no matter what, almost not at home, prefer to stay in the apartment of his friend Sunohara, arrives late to class and when in the school prefers to walk around the facilities to assist the classroom. The two are known, are very different, the two since they are small, have had a dream, they do not know, but his dreams are very similar and connected.

As I said, basically is the same S: The only thing is that we only focus on Nagisa and Tomoya, here there is no sequel to Fuko, or Kotomi, and Tomoyo, or anyone xDD as in the anime, Nagisa wants to revive the drama club for her to play an original work, the dream has always been since childhood. Tomoya, having nothing more important to do, decides to help in all you need, make announcements, to gather people, etc. In the end, Nagisa can "revive" the club with only having to Sunohara, Tomoya, she and the teacher Ibuki as a supervisor. Tomoya sees the work, all that tells Nagisa regarding your sueñoy he realizes that his dream & amp; about girls, or is connected with Nagisa and the two were born to know and those dreams are a sign of their unity.

In the TV series until the story ends there: O but the film continues a little longer. When the two finish the institute are to live together Nagisa and Tomoya. The two soon learn that Nagisa is pregnant, but her birth has always had a very weak body so complicate pregnancy. The day of giving birth, Nagisa dies, but left in place his daughter, Ushio. Tomoya is devastated) and repressed, not working, not eating, speaking, like a zombie that extra & amp; about girls, Nagisa AA): yea, but spend 5 years, Tomoya still stuck and can not get out of that hole): Sunohara and Tomoyo are frequented regularly Tomoyo will hacearle the department and prepare food and Sunohara sometimes stops to know how is your friend.

I think when Tomoya starts to come out of this hole is when your father comes to visit. Tomoya never had a good relationship with him, since the death of the mother: S and that was one reason why he does not like coming home. Tomoya's dad talks to him and said that it's becoming something that was because when his wife died, and lostall communication with his son, was when it sank into alcohol and gambling for the great sadness of having lost his wife and inadvertently lost all communication with your child and a great wall between them was grow over the years. Tomoya does not agree with that and end up arguing, but will accept at the bottom that is true: S

And now we wonder where this Ushio, Tomoya's daughter? This stayed with Nagisa's parents for all this time to wait for Tomoya out of that hole and it could take over. Tomoya had never seen his daughter was born the day after;, So the day was in the train station with Nagisa's parents and her daughter opened her eyes about what was happening and could not be in that hole forever and become something that had become his father. Ushio runs towards him and recognizes him as her father and Tomoya hugs.

the film ends there: O Ushio was super cute \u0026lt;3 looked just like Nagisa, Tomoya I guess I did not want to take over the small Ushio that would always be reminding Nagisa: S and even more so because the girl that looked just likeyour mom xD The movie I liked a lot: D it is clear that one is focused on Tomoya and Nagisa, and Sunohara a little to have much more personal involvement in the film comedy in the anime. At least I am not aware in the anime that he had lost his athletic scholarship and I found out just yet xDDD Tomoya entered the school for an athletic scholarship in basketball and lost when he had a fight with his father and he hurt one of the tendons in his shoulder that ended his career. To Sunohara was something similar, so explosive in character, in a game almost killed Futball hits to the opposing team and even his own team in the middle of a game S: forthat was thrown off the team and for that matter, is supposed to leave the department in which you are staying in that building is just for those athletic scholarship, but he has managed to sidestep the building manager XDDD and that's why I do not get along with the other guys u_u building as "the intruder" xD

The Tomoyo film personalities change a lot S: and personality as Kyou S: and her sister, Ryou, does not even appear in history as Fuko, who in the anime had a full arc of many chapters D: I was a bit of sadness that does not appear Fuko u_usince it's my favorite anime character: D either way (in general is a very good movie: D see more of the story that we saw in the anime, we extend a little history and see how it was the relationship between Nagisa and Tomoya after the story, remember that in the last episode of the anime, Nagisa Tomoya declares:) and it accepts your feelings * 0 * the truth is I'm curious to know how was their relationship that more happened next: O so that the film is well good to satisfy the curiosity xD