Sunday, June 14, 2009

Blueprints For Sand Rail WE HAVE NEW LJ: D

Bueno pss: 3 and we have a new lj ♫: D

[info] lolisaxxxu
[info] lolisaxxxu
[info] lolisaxxxu
[info] lolisaxxxu
[info] lolisaxxxu

Please agregenmeee ~

Still, I pass by the lj's on my flist and I leave my new address: D but ifsee this post, please agregenmee! : 3 thanks to all who read me for almost 2 years [info] gepyeddy ! : 3 ♥

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lymphatic Cancer In Diabetic Cat omg! : O another ems without writing anything: S

omg! O_O I have neglected both the LJ ... thanks for your comments in the last entry! : D

I think I will switch accounts u_u ... is just something I thought these days, I do not feel "comfortable" with this: D and want to start again! : D maybe I'm a bit bored with this and as this account and do not feel very comfortable with me ... I want to make a change: D

Soon I will write the new account I'll have! : D

I have not much to say u_u already started my summer classes, I made many feel like! : D

Many greetings to all! : D new people who have added me to their friends, have not I will add, I will add them directly to my new account: D and when I have to go through all sLJS us so they are aware! : D Cheers ~