Monday, May 4, 2009

Keratoses More Condition_symptoms Influence? xD

Y pss as everywhere go write it! : D pss re-whores that I not! : D the truth is a very complicated question. In the newspapers it says there is already dead, many infected detected, etc, etc and there are others who say that this is just a political issue and they're up to it so that society does not realize other things that are happening such as the legalization of 50g of marijuana in Mexico.

Anyway, I honestly think we're going from bad to worse, this post I would like to make my personal problems aside and write a bit about what I think. Really long time no write something like this, I have entered an overwhelming desire:)

Frankly I think the legalization of drugs has been a err or VERY big. But if we look back we can see that it is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, if the drug is legalized MAYBE desienda drug trafficking, we have fewer deaths, etc, etc, but then maybe the business starts to grow like wildfire and this will lead to more drug trafficking. That is if we see it from the standpoint of drug trafficking. Now, here by the company, I as suidadana could now see this in different ways, some of them are: 1 .-

As the drug is no longer "bad" then I can consume (not to exceed the limit allowed) and probably make me an addict, which would lead to that we have more addicts in the country.
2 .- may decrease the number of consumers. I know many people who use that like "risk" and defy the laws of what is seemingly correct, may now many of these people because they do not feel attracted by the risk of using drugs and stop .

These are only 2 options of the situation and the truth I think we will have more addicts in the country. I have never used drugs and truth, so far, I have no intention of doing so, never say never consume it because many times I said NEVER and finally ended up doing the opposite of what I said but the truth LOL I hope that my stupidity did not take me one day and consume less become an addict. I feelmy father would be very desepcionados of my drugs. I think that drinking is not nothing wrong, even more, I argue that to get here borrachisimo shit is not nothing wrong, but the truth if I find BAD drugs. I do not mean here want to pretend to be holy new Ave Maria D: for nothing but the moral is that I have taught myself. This kind of culture never taught me my parents who always took me to paint the world pink. Many times I told my mom that there are only two ways you could desepcionarla:

1 .- become pregnant before completing my studies
todooos DRUGS 2 .- I've always

dicho and always tell you, I can sleep with all men want, I can consume alcohol until my liver stops functioning or smoking (which I do not) until I got cancer in the lungs, I think that all these forms is not on whether "a desepcion" just something that you as a person decides for himself do. If you decide to that you want, if you want to smoke is also because you want to sleep with a person or just for warmth too can do it, but click around at your own risk. I really hope to never have to desepcionar my parents and myself with the two measures I mentioned u_u

The truth I believe that society is in a tailspin, but here the great rpegunta es: I am doing for society to not go into a tailspin? pss keep my own moral standing and until now I have maintained. I have only 19 years, if you will, but I think that in these times now needs to mature a little faster than a few decades ago.