Saturday, February 14, 2009

Upset Stomach More Condition_symptoms Want a military laptop?

Apparently you can get for the equivalent of $ 10.000 MN a portable computer of the United States military. Where? on the black market from Pakistan. As indicated by the report of an investigation into a crowded market in the country that borders Afghanistan, India and China, one can get one of these teams with all the software that may be needed for military action.

Interesting is not it, the question is ... Will they come with Windows XP or Vista?.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Limes Disease More Condition_symptoms Ice nine

In the last post talked about the potential PLC technology where electrical wiring Internet distributes the signal back to each contact or plug on a possible internet connection port.

The National Electrical cabledo (and in all cases worldwide) is interconnected with each other so infinite, hence the national grid is commonly referred to as an infinite bus.

here is an interesting point, can you imagine that each electrical contact is an internet connection port and the transport grid internet signal? & Iexcl; great!, but then everything would interconnected with each other, with the pros and cons that entails.

about ten years ago I read a book called Cat's Cradle Kurt Vonnegut of , in this work is no mention of a particle called Ice 9 (ice-nine), a kind of particle Cula ice rather than solidify at 0 ° C do 45 ° C, which makes entire bodies of water will solidify the only contact of this particle Ice 9. At the end of the novel: the Ice 9 comes into contact with a small water body, but like all the world's water is interconnectionctada (pond - river - ocean) ends solidifying all water in the world with fatal consequences that we can all imagine .

In the movie called The Recruit (a spy thriller and computer with Al Pacino and Colin Farrell) Central Investigation Agency of the United States creates a computer virus called Ice-nine (or Ice 9) that can be distributed throughout the country's electricity grid, becoming potentially dangerous virus virus in other words, no firewalls, no antivirus ... unprotected. Interesting analogy that makes us think about technology; To PLC.

Could reality surpass the fiction?