Friday, December 5, 2008

Viral Hepatitis More Condition_symptoms Hana Yori Dango Movie ~Review~

And I always love being in the past: D the net gave me a load of weba see this movie made me LOL so weba poníaa I did not even look XDD but anyway, I found by chance in a page that I visit frequently to vary LOL and all the bits you charge at night to see her this morning: 3 assumes that this review should have been online since noon, but omg ... after gave me a fucking cramps that I lay on the bed about 4 hours D: I kept squirming and send a little message to him saying Germamado LOL I was dying and throwing batons answer me: D for a change me answer a cellDF lada ... I played I wonder when she'll be going to oxxo to put the balance to your cel D: in order ...

If someone does not know by now Hana Yori Dango the net NO WORLD THAT HAVE LIVED, I never considered fan to the bone with a "F4 for ever" tattooed on his chest, but pss was curious to see the movie. I only saw the first season of the drama, the second I began to see, but leave it standing in the middle, maybe one day I put batteries and finish him: 3 I also assume that everyone already knows that Hana Yori Dango is so we skip that part xD


The story begins where Tsukasa announced to the world that is getting married next spring with Makino Tsukushi, all eyes are fixed on the couple and privacy for the family disappears Makino, the reporters now being harass 24 hours a day. Makino's family are arranged with the mother of Tsukasa and this gives Tsukushi a tiara called "The Smile of Venus" has been passed from generation to generation by women Domyoji family. All goes well for the happy couple, but "The Smile of Venus" was robbed and Tsukasa and Tsukushi are seen in the task of going to recover before Tsukasa's mother realizes the disappearancearicióny shot them both xD

history the story is just that, how Tsukasa and Tsukushi pursue the trail of the robber, end up in Las Vegas, then in Hong Kong and more recently on a desert island where they belong surviving for nearly a month. In some parts of the story is listed as an action LOL I mean, when Tsukasa and the robber fought throughout the hotel, I mean it went through these scenes, as the robber escaped by jumping from the building and holding the helicopter, too much action for me in Hana YoriDango xD the story does not disgust me at all, really found it entertaining, I kept the slope without being distracted
much history. In fact everything from "The Smile of Venus" was a plot to test the love of Tsukushi and Tsukasa, was planned by her parents and Tsukasa's mother decided to help, hence the deception is unleashed two tested if they were truly meant to be together. I do not really imagine that all this was planned by the mother of Tsukushi, was a surprise, but a bit unpleasant, I swore that someone wanted to ruin Tsukasa, but it was like this: S never mind, never guess correctly


scenes I think of my favorite scenes was the wedding * __ * married there that was his first date really cute xD the truth, I was Ghei and I'm excited: 3 the whole truth the wedding scene seemed super nice, my heart would not stop jumping Ghei of emotion: D Full details of the lights, the collaboration of many characters who appear throughout the film but if they had appeared there, I really felt very complete. The Tsukushi and Tsukasa's wedding was better than I expected: 3 Another of my favorites was when Makino is at home watching the news with family and co arethe press and got mo videos, photos and Tsukushi's history through sources "anonymous" (which were clearly saw that Yuuki and Tanaka-san XDD that was the funniest and LOL and all XDDD) . And the best scene of all:
"OMG GIVE ME YOUR AUTOGRAPH Domyoji?! : D "hahaha that giant trucker
my morning mood was so LOL XDDD and icon makes him more than a while: D

SOMEONE TELL ME TIME THAT THE ALIENS KIDNAPPED MOTHER OF TSUKASA AND REPLACE WITH MORE WOMAN SMILING AND KIND OF WORLD?! D: seriously & Hellip; that pussies happened to Tsukasa's mother?! D: Too ... VERY different for my taste, if it's okay and he dropped the 20 that his son is going to marry that girl either, but accept it and so kindly? Be so so kind, good vibes? ... HUG A Tsukushi?! Osea ... net ... very ... VERY DIFFERENT D: I do not dislike all, but it was so weird ... I'm so used to seeing the mother of Tsukasa as Cruella D'Vil of Japanandthe give me a change so as drastically, I will take a while to digest. For all other characters was great, everyone was pleased, even I was so glad that Shigeru had long scenes: 3 mefalls so well that character, at first I hated when he appeared in the drama xD but ends up cayéndote as well. In general, all were very good: 3 in actions and in everything, even sempai appears Tsukushi Teach him to be a lady in the first season of drama XDD I was so glad to see that actress: 3

The bad and the ugly
Parts of mission impossible by Tsukasa and the thief LOL I do not really like it. I also found that bad they changed the personality of the mother of Tsukasa, not saying that should always be so badbut he had not been completely removed as bitch D: Another thing that I did not find all bad, nor ugly, but rather was the most in the world ... LOL Hanazawa Rui
seriously ... I did not know whether to laugh or mourn percent xD Actually I can not put more bad things around here xD sincere film that left me satisfied:)

The music I really liked the background music * __ * some classic songs from Hana Yori Dango dorama q onlyue different bars, I really liked, I felt a bit of nostalgia. When Tsukasa and Tsukushi are on the island is a song I do not know who sings it: O I'd like to know, I loved it and I'll get to look: D and could not lack the classic Arashi song for each new release of Hana Yori Dango, the typical rate of Arashi LOL the truth was not entirely to my liking, but not completely disgust me, lately I've been almost all the songs like Arashi : S anyway ...

and I think that was my review: 3 I would personally be satisfied, cret it would be a bad movie, but I really liked: 3 at least and to this end is given a final (or at least I think so ...) and makes me feel a little nostalgia, I really think is a bit incredible "already finished" and that we will not have more than Hana Yori Dango, I was never a big fan, but boy if I liked the adventures of Tsukushi and Tsukasa u_u mainly because it Matsujun "something" as an actor I love it xD I was encouraged to see more dramas of the ~ I have there a couple of dramas that I have not seen because of the school: 3 to see whether these school holidays without and without Germamado to me many of the things I have planned: D